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Traffic Light Hummus Recipe

Hummus. Or is it houmous? I don't even know. All I know is that I'm fairly convinced that it's some of the best stuff on earth. People who say it is beige and boring need to be banished.

I can't get enough of the stuff and it has a lot going for it, in terms of nutrition as well as taste. High in protein and fibre, it makes the perfect dip for crunchy veg!

With just a few simple tricks, you can make creamy smooth hummus at home.

Today I've whipped up a sweet potato hummus, pea hummus AND a beetroot hummus but feel free to just follow the good old fashioned hummus recipe below!


For the plain hummus

2 x 400g cans of drained chickpeas

1 crushed garlic clove

5 tbsps extra virgin olive oil

1 lemon, zest and juice

1 lime, zest and juice

3 tbsps tahini

Pinch of ground cumin

Pinch of paprika

Salt and pepper

For the pea hummus

150g cooked peas

For the sweet potato hummus

150g mashed sweet potato

1 tsp maple syrup

For the beetroot hummus

150g cooked, roasted and mashed beetroot


1. Place all the ingredients for the plain hummus into a food processor and blitz until smooth. Feel free to add extra olive oil or water if you so wish! If you're happy with some good old fashioned hummus then stop here and get dipping and munching. If you fancy going a bit crazy with colours and flavours then read on...

2. Divide the mixture into 3 portions.

2. Mix in the mashed sweet potato into one portion, the mashed beetroot into another and the pea mixture into the final portion.

3. Serve and get dipping!

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