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Haggis Parcels by Colin Starfish

Wednesday 25th January marks the annual celebration of Scotland's National Poet, Robert Burns. A traditional Burns Night usually involves whisky, haggis and poetry in honour of the famous poet. To help you celebrate in style, my favourite Scottish Youtuber Colin Starfish has created the most wonderful vegan haggis parcels to ensure you have the perfect Burns Night!

I've sped the recipe up a little bit by recommending buying pastry (Burns Night is tomorrow!) but if you are feeling brave then feel free to make your own! To find out how, check out Colin's full recipe here:


For the haggis

1 medium onion

1 large carrot

3 closed cup mushrooms

Spice mix (see below)

50g chopped cashews

50g chopped hazelnuts

200g oatmeal

1x vegetable stock cube in 300ml water

400ml Borlotti Beans (in water)

400ml green lentils (in water)

For the spice mix

2/3 tbsp allspice

2 tbsp cracked black pepper

1/2 tsp ground pepper

1/2 tsp cayenne pepper

1/2 tbsp thyme


1. Preheat your oven to 200C and then dice the onion, carrot and mushroom into small cubes

2. Take the vegetable stock cube and add 300ml of water. Add the water from the can of Barlotti beans and

also the water from the can of lentils. This should bring it to around 500ml and if it doesn't just add more

hot water. Let the stock dissolve and stew.

3. Premix your spice mix and chop up your hazelnuts and cashews.

4. In a large pan, add the vegetables, then the borlotti beans and lentils. Pour in the majority of the stock and

let the mix simmer on a medium heat for 3 minutes. Stir occasionally. Add the nuts. Then add 200g of

oatmeal. The mixture may suddenly dry out, so add the rest of your stock mix. Add your spice mix and stir

until all the water has gone.

5. Now, take a potato masher and mash the mix up. Colin says it needs to become a stodgy haggis mess!

You can eat it as it is or continue on to make it into some parcels using the pastry.

6. Roll out the pastry to as large a circle as you can get, making sure it is around 3mm thick. Then takin g a

10cm cookie cutter, cut out as many circles as you can. This should make around 10-12.

7. Now using a tablespoon measure, scoop some haggis mixture into the centre of the pastry. Then fold over

and squeeze the edges together. Using a fork, press around the edges for a crimped look on both

sides. Place onto a baking tray.

8. Once you have filled out all the cases, use some unsweetened almond milk to coat the top of the pastry.

9. Place into the oven for 30-40 minutes until the tops have browned and the pastry is done.

10. While this is in the oven, take some potatoes and make some mash. Get a turnip (or keep) and a carrot

and make some mash!

11. Serve your parcels along with your mash and keeps. Now you can enjoy Colin's traditional Burns Night

recipe with a fun Northern twist!

Here's his video showing you how to make these Haggis Parcels:

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